“It's only with the heart one sees clearly, for what's essential is invisible to the eye.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Hawthorn berry is a heart-tonic for the physical heart including arteries and veins. It has a normalizing effect on cholesterols and the coronary circulation. Hawthorn improves the nutrition, energy reserve, and energy release of the heart muscle.
Hawthorn is cooling and anti-inflammatory.
Stress and mental tension often underlying heart problems. By reducing heat, hawthorn lessens restlessness, irritability, anxiety and nervousness that sometimes accompany heart conditions. Hawthorn brings focus by connecting with the heart.
Hawthorn is centering and connects us to our emotional heart. When the mind is taking over, overriding the wisdom of the heart, we suffer. The secret is to be present, relocating the consciousness from the mind to the heart, as it is actually the main organ of perception. We then intuitively know our life's purpose. Tune in to the centre of your inner universe – listen to the wisdom of your heart and use it as a compass when navigating through life.

Hydrosol of Mentha Piperita
Spicy yet cooling and refreshing scent.
Peppermint awakens the mind! Drink it in the morning to awaken the body, including the colon.
Spray on the face and body during external or internal (menopause) heatwaves.
Peppermint is phenomenal for concentration, when studying or writing. It cools the nerves but stimulates the mind. Spray a cloud and walk through it before important meetings or work with clients to be alert and present.

“There are a whole lot of things in this world of ours you haven't started wondering about yet. ”
– Roald Dahl, James and the Giant Peach
The action of peachleaf moisturizing and cooling, helps when there is inflammation, inner heat and an overactive autoimmunesystem. Good in urineinfection when there is a burning sensation, morningsickness, dry caugh and allergy.
Peachleaf is suitable for those who easily get burned by the sun, have delicate skin and easily become red or get rashes.
Peachleaf is good for the restless, insomnia, worry and nervousness and is suitable for overactive children. Good for highly sensitive people.
In China it is believed that the peachtree possesses abundant vitality, more than any other tree and the peach is a symbol for longviety.

Golden Healing
Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant root. It may be helpful in case of artrithis and rheumatism. Turmeric may also be benifical for IBS and digestive problems.
Turmeric assists the body in healing faster after accidents, operations and broken bones.
Turmeric has adoptegenic properties and has a protective action on a cellular level.
In ayurveda, turmeric is also used in a more spiritual way to align, balance and cleanse the chakras, the nadis (energetic channels) and the etheric body. It strengthen the solarplexus; the manipura chakra which in turns invites prosperity. Turmeric lights the inner sun and helps the soul to bloom.