Lemon Balm
“See the world as if for the first time; see it through the eyes of a child, and you will suddenly find that you are free” – Deepak Chopra
Calming for the physical as well as the emotional heart. Good for indigestion, gas and bloating.
Lemon balm is a plant with both mood and cognitive-enhancement properties. It is calming, soothing anxiety and is spiritually uplifting. It brings joy and wonder to the user.
Lemon balm was the favorite herb of Paracelsus, the father of spagyria, who believed it would 'revivify a man' and called it “the elixir of life”. 12th century herbalist Saint Hildegarde von Bingen said “Lemon balm contains within it the virtues of a dozen other plants.”
Lemon balm is ruled by jupiter, the largest planet of our solar system, mainly composed of gas. Jupiter is called Guru in India, and the archetype of jupiter has to do with expansion, joy and the inner teacher.
Lemon balm instills a childlike wonder. It is possible and necessary to reinstall this quality if it is lost. This is the teaching of Lemon balm.

“I am most glad I loved thee—think of all
The suns that go to make one speedwell blue! – Oscar Wilde
Speedwell was highly regarded as THE herb for a speedy recovery in the times of the roman empire. It has since a hundred years ago been sort of forgotten in the world of healing.
It is primarly used for respiratory troubles, cough. It is an expectorant , it dispells mucus. Speedwell is also healing for ulcers, it enhances the regeneration of the gastric mucosa. It was famous for healing the lungs as well, and research is going on on this topic.
Maria Treben recommends it for nervousness caused by mental exhaustion. In my opinion it is grounding and brings a lightness at the same time, your chakras seem to align themselves from the bottom to the top. It contains the glycoside, scutellarin, named after our calming friend, Skullcap.
I have both Skullcap and Speedwell in my Stop Smoking Support.