“Most of the dandelions had changed from suns into moons” – Vladimir Nabokov
The root of dandelion is cooling, strengthening for the liver and strengthening in general. Promoting the production of bile, strengthening the lymphatic system, cleansing for the blood and good for digestion.
Dandelion is one of the most important herbs for expelling toxins from the tissues of the body and is good to use in all cases of chronic inflammations for example inflammations of the skin and joints as well as rheumatism. Dandelion is excellent for a weak or overworked liver. It is good to use Dandelion to strengthen oneself after an illness or as a general spring cleaning tonic.
According to Ayurveda, anger accumulates in the liver and gall-bladder. Dandelion is a powerful plant in helping to let go of this anger so we don´t carry it inside us. It is a detoxifier that works on the emotional and mental being, as well as the physical. It is especially good for clearing out old anger that has not been processed, especially if the pattern was established in childhood.
The liver is the organ of transformation and inner alchemy.
Dandelion works on the solar plexus. The energy is dynamic and promotes body consciousness and freedom. It gives us the capacity to understand and express pain that seems beyond understanding. Dandelion helps us reclaim our innocence and to take responsibility for how we feel and act.
I believe that nature puts the medicines humans need in abundance right in their gardens, even growing through concrete, for a reason.

Hydrosol Of Rosmarinus Officinalis
A green, sweet and spicy scent.
Rosemary is a powerful antioxidant.
- It stimulates the liver and gallbladder, promoting production of bile and aiding digestion.
- It is also useful during a fast or cleanse to reduce hunger and aid detoxification. Add a teaspoon to a glass of water. It is delicious to cook with.
- It is a mental and physical stimulant. It makes a good coffee substitute for those wanting to cut down on caffeine.
- It is good for memory and dreamrecall. Good to sparay around you when studying.
- I connect it with the crownchakra.
- Rosemary makes the hair thick and shining. Spray the scalp to increase hairgrowth.
Do not use internally when pregnant or nursing.