The aspirin of the druid.
Meadowsweet is good for ulcers, heart-burn and acid reflux. Meadowsweet is astringent and also anti-acid, as well as offering anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.
Meadowsweet contains salicylic acid which makes it a pain reliever, especially suited to stagnant pain (in a fixed location, possibly with a pounding sensation) and for symptoms of heat. Relieves muscular inflammation, headache, joint pain, rheumatic pain, fever, menstrual pain and gout.
Meadowsweet is a true normalizer of a badly functioning stomach. It regulates acidity and rectifies alkalinity. It calms internal excitation.
I have noticed that it makes you feel happy, so I think it is also calming heated internal states of anger and frustration.
Meadowsweet was also a sacred herb among the druids and it was a favorite strewing herb in the Middle Ages. They sprinkled it on the floors like aromatherapy.
The smell is almondy and very cheerful. Meadowsweet was the source aspirin came from. It possesses similar properties, but is non-toxic, cooling and soothes the stomach, rather than inflaming and irritating it like aspirin does.

Transforming what has turned hard soft again.
Mullein is an excellent remedy for the respiratory tract: lungs, throat and bronchi. The leaves are incredibly soft and it´s medicine is all about softening those things that have turned hard. This action exists on the physical level, as well as mental, emotional and spiritual. Physically, it moistens, softens, and lubricates irritated, dry and inflamed mucosal tissues, primarily in the lungs, and but also in the fluid spaces between the vertebrae (The Mullein-stalk looks like a spine) where the mucous is supposed to be fluid.
In the presence of excess heat there is a tendency to harden. Mullein softens this hardening and facilitates expectoration, easing inflammation and restoring the tone and secretions of the tissues.
The softening of what has turned hard aspect also works on the mental level. Mullein is good for people who are hard on themselves and overly critical in general.
Mullein stalks dipped in wax were used as ceremonial torches by druids. The torch-quality is a signature that Mullein is providing focus, enlightenment and grounding to those who feel they have lost their way or can’t see their path. They often feel in the dark and disjointed, and the confusion may cause tension and a sense of abandonment. Mullein is for those who hide their light under cover and those who need a strong backbone.
Herbalist Matthew Wood tells: “Mullein is for people who think too much and congest the mind, or suffer mental tightness following difficult projects. It gives such a person a feeling like the mind is opened up to breezes on a fresh spring day”

Sacred herb of the druids.
Bitter tonic – good for digestion, moving stuck liver energy, nervine – good for burnt-out nervous system, relaxant – especially for tension in the neck, shoulder, head region, very good for painful menses and PMS, also for hot flashes.
Vervain helps the entrepreneur to unwind and stop working at home. It is indicated for list makers, for people with mental excess as it moves the energy downwards and works as a remedy of embodiment. Vervain people tend to neglect themselves, they forget to eat, drink water, clean the house, exercise etc.
Instead they tunnel vision on their goal and loose sight of other important facets of their life which can fall wayside.
Indicated for driven visionaries that can burn out from over exhaustion yet be constantly striving. Vervain helps the soul to center and ground its tremendous enthusiasm. The body becomes a natural regulator and harmoniser for the abundant spiritual forces that pour out of such a person, a soul that is able to inspire, lead and heal others.