Shield of protection
Astragalus root has been studied extensively for its effect on the immune system. It has been shown to reduce the occurrence of common respiratory illnesses, inhibit tumor growth and bolster immune system activity in general.
It is frequently being used alongside chemotherapy to alleviate the side effects of the chemotherapy treatments.
This root can also be used for people with seasonal allergies. As an immunomodulator it helps to straighten up the immune system, lessening the frequency and severity of allergies.
There is a lot of research on astragalus fighting cancer published online for those interested to find out more.
It is of use for people who are completely run down. If they are getting frequent colds and flus, that is a sure sign this herb will be of benefit! It combines well with ashwaganda root for burn-out.
It is an adaptogenic herb, helping to handle stress. The best way to summarise Astragalus would be to say it is a tonic, meaning it nourishes and supports the body in its own self-healing process. This is no small thing in chronic illness where our ability to self-repair has fallen short of being able to get us well.
In Chinese medical terms, astragalus builds up the protective chi. Imagine that there is a protective shield around your body, just below the surface of the skin, that keep out cold and other external influences. It vitalizes the non-specific immune defenses and wards off infections. This is the protective chi, and astragalus is the premier herb in Chinese herbalism to strengthen it. -Paul Bergner

Echinacea Purpurea
Echinacea comes from the Greek echinos, meaning hedgehog or sea-urchin, because of its conical spiny seed heads.
Echinacea is anti-inflammatory and is beneficial in the acute stages of a cold or flu. It may also be more effective when used in conjunction with other immune-supportive herbs such as Elderberry and Gingerroot. During this time, Echinacea must be taken in high dose and frequency to be effective as soon as symptoms begin to appear.
It also decreases inflammatory allergic reactions in mild food allergies and stimulates gastric healing. The constituent, echinacin, has been shown to be useful in treatment of tonsillitis. It is used for colds, influenza, wounds, infections, allergies, bacterial and viral disease, swollen glands and gum disease.
Each part of Echinacea has unique phyto-chemistries that can benefit the immune system in many ways. In my spagyric tincture there are 70% roots, and 30% flowers and leaves.
Echinacea was a traditional remedy of the Native American Indians in the Great Plains, where it grows wild. The Cheyenne, Comanche, and other tribes used it for many ailments, including toothaches, sore throats, tonsillitis, coughs, and blood and lymphatic diseases.
it is an excellent bloodpurifyer.
The the lay doctor, H. C. F. Meyer, who “re-discovered” Echinacea in the 1870s claimed to know of over 600 cases in which his remedy had not failed to cure rattlesnake bites. He let himself be bitten by many rattlesnakes to prove his point.
This was the beginning of a hype!

Hydrosol of Thymus Vulgaris
Flowery and sweet scent.
Hydrosol of Thyme may be used for:
- Acne. I recomend using the spagyric tincture internally and the hydrosol to spray on areas with acne.
- Flu and cold, spray around you and take 1 teaspoon in a little warm water. For children with a flu or cold, 1/2 teaspoon. It supports the immunesystem and is disinfectant.
- As a mouthrinse after brushing the teeth, for children prone to caries.
- Very tasty in cooking.
- Yeast and fungal infections, candida.
Thyme has a strengthening effect on the mind. Thyme stimulates the Thymus gland and the adrenal cortex, which improves immunity and self-identity.

Indian Cress
“They flash upon that inward eye” – William Wordsworth
“Flashes the golden-coloured flower
A fair electric flame “
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Indian Cress has a high vitamin C-content , a natural antibiotic. Good for colds, the flu and urinary tract infections.
Indian Cress is strengthening for the immunesystem. It´s flashing bright colored flowers bring strength, joy and spice to life.
Indian Cress is a transformer.By turning bland, mundane experiences into ones that are spicy and dynamic. Especially at dusk, the orange flowers may appear to emit small “flashes”. Once believed to be an electrical phenomenon, it is today thought to be an optical reaction in the human eye caused by the contrast between the orange flowers and the surrounding green. The phenomenon is named after Elisabeth Christina von Linné, one of Carl Linnaeus's daughters, who discovered it at age 19 and wrote a paper that was included as a reference in Erasmus Darwin´s “The botanic garden, part II, containing the loves of the plants “. Elizabeth Linnaeus came, through Darwin, to influence the pioneers of English Romantic poetry.