Echinacea Purpurea
Echinacea comes from the Greek echinos, meaning hedgehog or sea-urchin, because of its conical spiny seed heads.
Echinacea is anti-inflammatory and is beneficial in the acute stages of a cold or flu. It may also be more effective when used in conjunction with other immune-supportive herbs such as Elderberry and Gingerroot. During this time, Echinacea must be taken in high dose and frequency to be effective as soon as symptoms begin to appear.
It also decreases inflammatory allergic reactions in mild food allergies and stimulates gastric healing. The constituent, echinacin, has been shown to be useful in treatment of tonsillitis. It is used for colds, influenza, wounds, infections, allergies, bacterial and viral disease, swollen glands and gum disease.
Each part of Echinacea has unique phyto-chemistries that can benefit the immune system in many ways. In my spagyric tincture there are 70% roots, and 30% flowers and leaves.
Echinacea was a traditional remedy of the Native American Indians in the Great Plains, where it grows wild. The Cheyenne, Comanche, and other tribes used it for many ailments, including toothaches, sore throats, tonsillitis, coughs, and blood and lymphatic diseases.
it is an excellent bloodpurifyer.
The the lay doctor, H. C. F. Meyer, who “re-discovered” Echinacea in the 1870s claimed to know of over 600 cases in which his remedy had not failed to cure rattlesnake bites. He let himself be bitten by many rattlesnakes to prove his point.
This was the beginning of a hype!

The Joyous Mountain. From Greek oreiganon, from oros “mountain” + ganos “brightness”
Oregano has extraordinarily powerful natural antibiotic qualities. The strong phenol antioxidants destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses and yeasts.
Oregano is antiseptic, an aid for ear, nose and throat, respiratory infections, candida and any sort of bacterial or viral conditions.
It is a powerful aid when inflammation is around especially colds and flus with chills and shivering as well as respiratory tract infections with profuse mucus and chilliness. Very good at the beginning of measles to lessen the course of the disease.
Oregano also works for the digestion, abdominal swelling and belching.
It relaxes the mind, balances the emotions and banishes mental fatigue. Oregano is promoting clarity of thought.
Oregano opens the solar plexus and installs courage and the power to complete a mission. It is good for people who start projects but have trouble finishing them. When the mountain has been climbed, experience the joy of a new perspective.

7 Chakras
This is a series of spagyric formulas dedicated to the 7 chakras.
The seven chakras are the centers through which energy flows in our bodies. The chakras can be described as spinning wheels of light. In sanskrit chakra means circle, symbolising the endless rotation of shakti.
The spagyric formulas created for each chakra can be used in many different ways.
Create your own practice and rituals.
Perhaps chant the mantra or seed-sound corresponding to each chakra, visualize the color or yantra, do yoga connected to each chakra or just connect with the chakra within.
There may be a few chakras needing extra attention and strengthening and one decides to work with those for a while.
There is much information on the word wide web if you need to research. A good book is “Wheels of Life” by Anodea Judith. I write a few keywords to each chakra-elixir, starting from the root and ending at the crown.
All chakras at a special price 700 kr + shipping.
Otherwise 150 kr each, please specify which ones you want to order.

Indian Cress
“They flash upon that inward eye” – William Wordsworth
“Flashes the golden-coloured flower
A fair electric flame “
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Indian Cress has a high vitamin C-content , a natural antibiotic. Good for colds, the flu and urinary tract infections.
Indian Cress is strengthening for the immunesystem. It´s flashing bright colored flowers bring strength, joy and spice to life.
Indian Cress is a transformer.By turning bland, mundane experiences into ones that are spicy and dynamic. Especially at dusk, the orange flowers may appear to emit small “flashes”. Once believed to be an electrical phenomenon, it is today thought to be an optical reaction in the human eye caused by the contrast between the orange flowers and the surrounding green. The phenomenon is named after Elisabeth Christina von Linné, one of Carl Linnaeus's daughters, who discovered it at age 19 and wrote a paper that was included as a reference in Erasmus Darwin´s “The botanic garden, part II, containing the loves of the plants “. Elizabeth Linnaeus came, through Darwin, to influence the pioneers of English Romantic poetry.

Light in the Dark
“In the happy night,
In secret, when none saw me,
Nor I beheld aught,
Without light or guide,
save that which burned in my heart”
– The Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross

The aspirin of the druid.
Meadowsweet is good for ulcers, heart-burn and acid reflux. Meadowsweet is astringent and also anti-acid, as well as offering anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.
Meadowsweet contains salicylic acid which makes it a pain reliever, especially suited to stagnant pain (in a fixed location, possibly with a pounding sensation) and for symptoms of heat. Relieves muscular inflammation, headache, joint pain, rheumatic pain, fever, menstrual pain and gout.
Meadowsweet is a true normalizer of a badly functioning stomach. It regulates acidity and rectifies alkalinity. It calms internal excitation.
I have noticed that it makes you feel happy, so I think it is also calming heated internal states of anger and frustration.
Meadowsweet was also a sacred herb among the druids and it was a favorite strewing herb in the Middle Ages. They sprinkled it on the floors like aromatherapy.
The smell is almondy and very cheerful. Meadowsweet was the source aspirin came from. It possesses similar properties, but is non-toxic, cooling and soothes the stomach, rather than inflaming and irritating it like aspirin does.

”How much men are like the nettle!
My friends, remember this, that there are no weeds, and no worthless men, there are only bad farmers.”
– Victor Hugo
Ruled by Mars and just like the red planet and the blood, it is full of iron. It builds and purifies the blood, it is alkalizing, full of nutrients, many other minerals and chlorophyl. It cools stinging and burning and act as an anti inflammatory.
Nettle is a great protector against inflammation but also on an energetic level in acting as a guardian of ones integrity. It is good to call on Nettle when one feels invaded or to release heat when one is angry or frustrated or when inflamed. Nettle keeps you cool.
Nettle works with complicated protein building-blocks to build some of the most complex molecules used by the body, by removing uric acid from the waste products of the system. Nettle provides a know-how. It is useful to take a cure of nettle as an internal spring cleaning.
In this way it may be helpful in preventing seasonal allergies.

Sacred Basil
Hindus regard Sacred Basil as an earthly manifestation of the goddess Tulsi, offering divine protection.
Sacred Basil or Tulsi as it is also called, is strengthening for the immune system. It is a diaphoretic, meaning that it helps to gently raise the body temperature in order to effectively break a fever. Being that, it is also potently anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory, it is highly useful in a wide range of coughs, colds, flues, and general feelings of being “unwell.”
It is commonly being used today for its effects on blood sugar regulation and Type II diabetes- this likely being in conjunction with its tonifying effects on the adrenal glands, lowering stress, and strengthening digestion.
Tulsi is an excellent adaptogen to strengthen the adrenal glands, lower cortisol and stress and to calm the mind.
In Plant Spirit Healing, Sacred Basil is used for the soul. The soul, as being distinct from the spirit, is the aspect of our being that is constantly connected with the divine source of creation. It is our true nature and holds within it the blueprint for our life purpose.
By strengthening our connection with the soul, Sacred Basil helps us to reclaim our connection with nature, direct connection to the divine, and walking the path that we are meant to walk.

Saw Palmetto
Protector of the family jewels.
Saw palmetto was used by the Native Americans, who collected the berries to create tonics for men. It is widely used in ayurveda as well.
It is used for prostate health primarly.
The powerful berries are used for benign enlargement of the prostate gland in men, as long as the growth is not large enough to need surgery. It supports the male urogenital tract, and can help men not to get up to go to the toilet in the night. It is helpful for testicular inflammation.
Saw Palmetto is used to reduce hair loss and male baldness. It also preserves and reinforces the skin’s youthful elasticity. It balances the hormones for men and is good for libido.

Golden Healing
Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant root. It may be helpful in case of artrithis and rheumatism. Turmeric may also be benifical for IBS and digestive problems.
Turmeric assists the body in healing faster after accidents, operations and broken bones.
Turmeric has adoptegenic properties and has a protective action on a cellular level.
In ayurveda, turmeric is also used in a more spiritual way to align, balance and cleanse the chakras, the nadis (energetic channels) and the etheric body. It strengthen the solarplexus; the manipura chakra which in turns invites prosperity. Turmeric lights the inner sun and helps the soul to bloom.

The Wounded Warrior/The Wounded Healer
Yarrow is a fever remedy, It is also a bitter tonic that promotes digestion. The application as a wound remedy is prehistoric.
Because yarrow has such a strong affinity to the blood and bleeding, it is an important female remedy. It works both ways, to staunch excessive bleeding and to break up stagnant blood. Yarrow is a menstrual regulator. It is useful for irregular menstruation, mental restlessness in menopausal women and inflammation of the ovaries.
Yarrow is indicated for bleeding hemorrhoids. Use a compress with an infusion or hydrosol of yarrow topically and the spagyric tincture internally.
Yarrow both dulls pain and heightens consciousness. In a similar manner, it causes bleeding, stops bleeding, and breaks up stagnant, coagulated blood. Paradox is common in herbal medicine.
It is a warrior remedy. Named after the immortal Greek warrior, with the exception of his weak spot on his ankle (the Achilles tendon), it gives us the strength to face our weakness. Yarrow goes to this spot and strengthens it, turning our weaknesses into strengths and talents.
This is also reflected in the myth of Chiron, the wounded healer. The union of paradox and the union of the feminine and the masculine. (venus: female reproductive system and kidneys , mars: blood, fever, immune system) The transmutation from the warrior into the healer.
The teaching of yarrow is that it is a healer of the sacred wound. It is the sacred wounds that heal us on a deeper level.