“The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.” – W.C. Fields
Ashwagandha strengthens the immune system, the male and female reproductive system and is especially helpful in case of a burned out nervous system. Ashwagandha is used to tone, support, and revitalize bodily functions. It is an adaptogene with a paradoxical dual capacity to energize and calm at the same time.
Stress can cause fatigue, often manifesting as “hyper” signs like agitation and difficulty sleeping. By providing a nourishing yet energizing effect, the nervous system is soothed and supported.
When the stress doesn’t impact the nervous system as strongly, the “hyper” signs will naturally resolve over time, allowing for a calming effect. This quality of Ashwagandha makes it rejuvenating.
Ashwagandha is incredible for the person who has burned the candle at both ends, or to come back after a period of illness. It is one of the most famous ayurvedic herbs. It helps a person to have stronger benefits from rest and sleep.

Shield of protection
Astragalus root has been studied extensively for its effect on the immune system. It has been shown to reduce the occurrence of common respiratory illnesses, inhibit tumor growth and bolster immune system activity in general.
It is frequently being used alongside chemotherapy to alleviate the side effects of the chemotherapy treatments.
This root can also be used for people with seasonal allergies. As an immunomodulator it helps to straighten up the immune system, lessening the frequency and severity of allergies.
There is a lot of research on astragalus fighting cancer published online for those interested to find out more.
It is of use for people who are completely run down. If they are getting frequent colds and flus, that is a sure sign this herb will be of benefit! It combines well with ashwaganda root for burn-out.
It is an adaptogenic herb, helping to handle stress. The best way to summarise Astragalus would be to say it is a tonic, meaning it nourishes and supports the body in its own self-healing process. This is no small thing in chronic illness where our ability to self-repair has fallen short of being able to get us well.
In Chinese medical terms, astragalus builds up the protective chi. Imagine that there is a protective shield around your body, just below the surface of the skin, that keep out cold and other external influences. It vitalizes the non-specific immune defenses and wards off infections. This is the protective chi, and astragalus is the premier herb in Chinese herbalism to strengthen it. -Paul Bergner

CHAGA – king of medicinal mushrooms
Chaga grows on birchtrees in the northern hemisphere. It goes under the name of “The King of Medicinal Mushrooms”. It is filled with antioxiadants. It strengthens the immunesystem.
It is also a powerful adaptogene, which means that it helps the body to handle stress and improve physical and mental work capacity.
Stress and disease are closely connected. Chaga helps us to meet the challenges of a stressful world with couarage and dedication.
Chaga helps us in gather our strength to meet the unknown and to transform all that seems challenging into valuble lessons and opportunities for growth.

Gotu Kola
The herb of the yogi
“Yoga exists in the world because everything is linked.” – Desikashar
Gotu Kola is anti-inflammatory and a circulatory stimulant. It is also an excellent connective tissue tonic, aiding with arthritis, ulcers, skin problems, strengthening hair, skin and nails. Connective tissues connect all things in the body – muscles to bones, holding organs in place, and giving the body its mobile structure.
It is used by many yogis to enter a state of non-dual awareness and deepen their meditation. It promotes a very high level of clarity not of mind, but of awareness of the mind – which in turn clarifies the thought processes. Gotu Kola helps to increase circulation to the brain, balance its hemispheres, improve memory, intelligence, and calms the mind. It is a rejuvenative tonic for the nerves, brain cells, and the adrenal glands.
Gotu Kola is very much connected to the crown chakra. It is an adaptogen and a brain-tonic.
The connection between the crown and connective tissue is that this herb helps us to understand the unity of all things, how everything in our body is interconnected, and how everything in the universe is interconnected too.

“Love is space and time measured by the heart.” – Marcel Proust
Hjärtats minne
Lindblom kyler inre hetta, feber och när huden hettar. Den är också behjälplig vid rastlöshet, hyperaktivitet och panikångest.
Lindblom stödjer andningsvägarna, bra att ta till vid influensa och för att få upp slem och snor som sitter djupt.
Lindblom lugnar nerverna och hjärtat och är bra för att drömma lucida drömmar. Lindblom är bra för den typ av ångest som känns i hjärtat, sömnlöshet och stress. Lindblom verkar sederande.
Marcel Proust var den första att mynta begreppet “Ofrivilliga minnen” i romansviten “På spaning efter de tid som flytt”. Proust såg dessa ofrivilliga minnen innehålla det förgågnas essenss, som han ansåg saknades i ett frivilligt minne. I romanen beskriver han en händelse där han äter en lindblomstedoppad madeleinekaka, och ett barndomsminne av att äta en lindblomstedoppad madeleinekaka uppenbaras för honom. Från detta minne följer minnen av hela hans barndom, huset han bodde i, den lilla staden och dess invånare. Detta är temat genom romansviten , via känselportalerna öppnas portaler i minnet.

Sacred Basil
Hindus regard Sacred Basil as an earthly manifestation of the goddess Tulsi, offering divine protection.
Sacred Basil or Tulsi as it is also called, is strengthening for the immune system. It is a diaphoretic, meaning that it helps to gently raise the body temperature in order to effectively break a fever. Being that, it is also potently anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory, it is highly useful in a wide range of coughs, colds, flues, and general feelings of being “unwell.”
It is commonly being used today for its effects on blood sugar regulation and Type II diabetes- this likely being in conjunction with its tonifying effects on the adrenal glands, lowering stress, and strengthening digestion.
Tulsi is an excellent adaptogen to strengthen the adrenal glands, lower cortisol and stress and to calm the mind.
In Plant Spirit Healing, Sacred Basil is used for the soul. The soul, as being distinct from the spirit, is the aspect of our being that is constantly connected with the divine source of creation. It is our true nature and holds within it the blueprint for our life purpose.
By strengthening our connection with the soul, Sacred Basil helps us to reclaim our connection with nature, direct connection to the divine, and walking the path that we are meant to walk.

Siberian Ginseng
“Let's go!”
-Yuri Gagarin
The renowned Ming Dynasty physician Li Shizhen recommended Siberian Ginseng to heal hernias and weak tendons, and to slow the effects of aging. Siberian Ginseng is actually like a slow-motion stimulant. Unlike the sharp rise and fall of energy associated with caffeine, the energy from Siberian Ginseng may take weeks or months to build, but the effects are long-lasting. Siberian Ginseng’s slow burn makes it useful for treating symptoms associated with weak adrenal glands and a hypothyroid.
As a motivational herb, Siberian Ginseng is hard to beat – there isn’t much else that can deliver so much wonderful, raw energy.
Besides protecting the body from stress, Siberian Ginseng also increases oxygenation of the cells, thereby increasing endurance, alertness and even visual acuity. This increased oxygenation leads to better circulation – especially to the brain – helping to restore memory, concentration and mental clarity.
The cosmonauts took Siberian Ginseng when traveling in space.
“The main force in man — is the power of the spirit.” – Yuri Gagarin
“When they saw me in my space suit and the parachute dragging alongside as I walked, they started to back away in fear. I told them, don't be afraid, I am a Soviet like you, who has descended from space and I must find a telephone to call Moscow!”
– Yuri Gagarin on landing on a field.

Skullcap makes you feel like you have a helmet on your head that calms and protects you.
A supreme nerve remedy with great sedative powers. Cooling, relaxant and calming to the nerves. Skullcap is also good for tense headaches.
Scutella means shield in latin. Skullcap is a comforting herb, traditionally used to alleviate nervous tension and exhaustion. It is used to promote emotional wellbeing and relaxation during times of occasional distress.
Skullcap is called for when you have a sense your soul is not completely settled into your body. This may have been caused by stress, shock or trauma.