“Torturedly cheerful”
An astringent that tones the tissues but is used to relax the tissues. It is this paradox that is the magic that agrimony shares with many other medicinal plants.
States of stress such as spasms of the stomach, tension headaches, menstrual cramps where the person tries to hide it by pretending that everything is ok, “torturedly cheerful”
Pain in the spine, flu when you have pain in your joints.
Agrimony is also good for the kidneys and liver, poor digestion (indication: fat and undigested pieces of food in the poo), prevention of gall and kidney stones.
Incontinence, cystitis, urinary tract infection.
Agrimoy is superior for releasing tension and spasm, both on a physical and a psychological level. Agrimony is specifically indicated for those who try to hide their pain with a smile, behind a sophisticated and easy-going facade. Matthew Wood (The Earth Wise Herbal Vol 1) uses the phrase “torturedly cheerful” and it is very fitting.
Agrimony supports the connection between the brain and the other brain – the gut feeling, the enteric system. Agrimony is about strengthening the gut and is good for people who get pain in the belly out of concern and worry, around meals and eating or nervous, tense social situations. Pressing the emotions down into the gut.
80% of Serotonin is produced in the gut, far more than in the brain. One should never underestimate the gut feeling.

“Life in us is like the water in a river. ”
– Henry David Thoreau
Cleavers supports the flow of the fluids of the body such as the flow of the lymphatic system. It supports the kidneys and urinary tract . Cleavers strengthens the immune system. It gets stagnant chi (life force) moving where it has accumulated in hot spots.
Cleavers also works on the flow of emotions, to be fluid, flexible and to help us in breaking patterns and relationships one has been clinging on to but is no longer beneficial. This is a signature as cleavers clings to everything that comes in it´s way like velcro.
I have found it to be helpful for smokers to quit the habit and even more so for balancing relationships where one person is clinging and the other one is taking a distance.
Cleavers may be beneficial in writers block and when one feels stuck artistically.
Cleavers has to do with flow and creativity on all levels.

Saw Palmetto
Protector of the family jewels.
Saw palmetto was used by the Native Americans, who collected the berries to create tonics for men. It is widely used in ayurveda as well.
It is used for prostate health primarly.
The powerful berries are used for benign enlargement of the prostate gland in men, as long as the growth is not large enough to need surgery. It supports the male urogenital tract, and can help men not to get up to go to the toilet in the night. It is helpful for testicular inflammation.
Saw Palmetto is used to reduce hair loss and male baldness. It also preserves and reinforces the skin’s youthful elasticity. It balances the hormones for men and is good for libido.