CHAGA – king of medicinal mushrooms
Chaga grows on birchtrees in the northern hemisphere. It goes under the name of “The King of Medicinal Mushrooms”. It is filled with antioxiadants. It strengthens the immunesystem.
It is also a powerful adaptogene, which means that it helps the body to handle stress and improve physical and mental work capacity.
Stress and disease are closely connected. Chaga helps us to meet the challenges of a stressful world with couarage and dedication.
Chaga helps us in gather our strength to meet the unknown and to transform all that seems challenging into valuble lessons and opportunities for growth.

Ginkgo have lived for 300 million years on our earth.
The leaves of the Ginkgo tree contain different active substances at different stages, so I harvest thrice. Ginkgo improves circulation, it supports the heart and improves blood flow in tissues and organs, which protects cells against damage by oxidation by free radicals.
Ginkgo is thus an antioxidant and improves absorption of nutrients, providing vital oxygen supply to each cell. It aids vision and hearing-related problems due to these properties. It is also these characteristics that support memory. It is a brain-tonic.
Ginkgo is good against fatigue, gives energy and is good for depression by the particular phytochemicals it contains. Ginkgo is one of the nootropic plants that improve mental functions such as cognition, intelligence, motivation, memory and concentration.
Something interesting with the leaves of Ginkgo is that they look a bit like the two halves of the brain. Nature communicates with us via the doctrine of signatures, the signs of nature.

Amazonian dream teacher.
Guayusa is a cousin plant to Yerba Mate, and elicits similar benefits including natural caffeine that energizes without the resultant jitters or crash associated with other caffeinated drinks like coffee. Guayusa is full of antioxidants, more so than in green tea. Guayusa aids in digestion and boosts metabolism.
Guayusa, or “Wayusa,” is known within the Kichwa community to awaken the spirit, bring peace to the body, and stimulate the mind. It will also induce vivid and lucid dreaming if you drink it at night. Legend has it, that the Kichwa tribe prayed for a plant that could help them connect to the dream world. When they awoke in the morning, there was a guayusa plant in front of them.
The Spirit of Guayusa is an amazing teacher! I decided to turn these magical leaves into a spagyric tincture, extracting in a strong decoction from snow and maceration in 40% alcohol and it turned out very well! I transformed the snow when the new moon was in pisces into a strong Guayusa tea to help us integrate the teachings of our dreams.

The name Elder has to do with “Eld”, fire. It is a fever remedy.
Sambucus comes from the latin term for a musical instrument – The Pan Pipes – which were originally made from the hollow stems of Elder.
This hollow signature is reflected as Elder used as a remedy opens all tubes of the body (skin, lungs, colon, kidneys, blood vessels) improving oxygenation, blood flow, perspiration, and elimination by the colon or kidneys. Elder is a relaxant, helpful in spasmodic cough and spasm in the stomach.
The berries are blood building and together with the flowers are healing when you have a fever. Also helpful in red dry irritated skin of the cheeks, as it opens the tubes and pores and lubricates the skin. It improves respiration, digestion and kidney function.
Imagination is the channel of communication from another dimension. Tubular plants such as Elder and Angelica have long been associated with the shamanic journey to the Underworld. The lore surrounding the Elder is immense and mysterious. The Elder serves as a doorway to the Underworld, or magical faery realm.
I start to prepare the Elixir in July when I distilled the flowers and let them macerate until I collected the berries and let them macerate together with the flowers, creating a double tincture from the white flowers that look like five pointed stars and the dark purple almost black berries. These are signatures of saturn, the polar qualities of father time and mother of death and rebirth.
The spagyric tincture is a great antioxidant and aids to improve immunity in winter time. It is also a gatekeeper to the spirit world. It is called Elder for a reason! It is a teacher of nature, of time, life and death.

Hydrosol Of Rosmarinus Officinalis
A green, sweet and spicy scent.
Rosemary is a powerful antioxidant.
- It stimulates the liver and gallbladder, promoting production of bile and aiding digestion.
- It is also useful during a fast or cleanse to reduce hunger and aid detoxification. Add a teaspoon to a glass of water. It is delicious to cook with.
- It is a mental and physical stimulant. It makes a good coffee substitute for those wanting to cut down on caffeine.
- It is good for memory and dreamrecall. Good to sparay around you when studying.
- I connect it with the crownchakra.
- Rosemary makes the hair thick and shining. Spray the scalp to increase hairgrowth.
Do not use internally when pregnant or nursing.

Jujube date
“Three red dates a day keep you young forever.” – Chineese proverb.
The jujube fruit, the ziziphus jujuba also known as the Chinese date, has potent health benefits. Because jujubes contain a large amount of antioxidants, they can help improve the immune system and overall health. They have a strengthening effect and contain plenty of phytochemicals. Their impressive nutritional content also includes a notable amount of vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin B2. Jujubes also contain vital minerals, such as manganese, iron, phosphorus and calcium. These elements work synergistically to create general health and well being and bolster the immune system.
Red dates are especially prized by women for their beauty and health effects. As they are very nourishing to the blood they are often eaten by women during their menses and after giving birth. Jujubes are considered and “elixir of life.”
The potent chemical extracted from jujubes, jujuboside A, affects the hippocampus in the brain and is often used as a natural sleep aid. Jujubes can be used to treat both insomnia and anxiety.
Jujube purify the twelve Organ meridians, especially the Stomach, which is the body’s “center” and represents the Earth Element in the Five Phase System. Red jujubes are also said to “clarify the nine openings” including the eyes, ears, sinuses, nose, throat, bowels and urinary tract. They have a long history of being considered excellent at building strength and extending life. In China they are considered able to tonify the Heart, Lung and Stomach functions. They are also said to dry up mucous while simultaneously moistening the tissues.
It is often used in Chinese herbalism as a Yin counterpart to strong Yang herbs such as Ginseng.

Lemon Verbena
When life gives you lemon verbena, make Chartreuse.
An alchemical recipe reached the religious order's headquarters at the Grande Chartreuse monastery, in Voiron, near Grenoble. It has since then been used to produce the “Elixir Végétal de la Grande Chartreuse”. Only two monks in a lifetime know the secret ingredients. Lemon verbena is one of them.
Antioxidant and strengthening for the immune system. Lemon Verbena reduces inflammation and fevers and may be beneficial for joint-pain, menstrual pain. Lemon verbena supports the digestive systems and may help to regulate appetite.
Lemon verbena stimulates the endocrine system, is reducing stress and nervous tension. It is uplifting and moves the spirit when one feels mentally stuck and calms down at the same time. It is nice to take in the early evening to wind down.
Lemon verbena has to do with the appetite for life. It may be helpful in clarifying intuitive insights and guidance, as well as feeling shielded and protected from negative or hostile energy sources. It helps one to continue to feel good no matter who is around.

Golden Healing
Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant root. It may be helpful in case of artrithis and rheumatism. Turmeric may also be benifical for IBS and digestive problems.
Turmeric assists the body in healing faster after accidents, operations and broken bones.
Turmeric has adoptegenic properties and has a protective action on a cellular level.
In ayurveda, turmeric is also used in a more spiritual way to align, balance and cleanse the chakras, the nadis (energetic channels) and the etheric body. It strengthen the solarplexus; the manipura chakra which in turns invites prosperity. Turmeric lights the inner sun and helps the soul to bloom.