Gotu Kola
The herb of the yogi
“Yoga exists in the world because everything is linked.” – Desikashar
Gotu Kola is anti-inflammatory and a circulatory stimulant. It is also an excellent connective tissue tonic, aiding with arthritis, ulcers, skin problems, strengthening hair, skin and nails. Connective tissues connect all things in the body – muscles to bones, holding organs in place, and giving the body its mobile structure.
It is used by many yogis to enter a state of non-dual awareness and deepen their meditation. It promotes a very high level of clarity not of mind, but of awareness of the mind – which in turn clarifies the thought processes. Gotu Kola helps to increase circulation to the brain, balance its hemispheres, improve memory, intelligence, and calms the mind. It is a rejuvenative tonic for the nerves, brain cells, and the adrenal glands.
Gotu Kola is very much connected to the crown chakra. It is an adaptogen and a brain-tonic.
The connection between the crown and connective tissue is that this herb helps us to understand the unity of all things, how everything in our body is interconnected, and how everything in the universe is interconnected too.

7 Chakras
This is a series of spagyric formulas dedicated to the 7 chakras.
The seven chakras are the centers through which energy flows in our bodies. The chakras can be described as spinning wheels of light. In sanskrit chakra means circle, symbolising the endless rotation of shakti.
The spagyric formulas created for each chakra can be used in many different ways.
Create your own practice and rituals.
Perhaps chant the mantra or seed-sound corresponding to each chakra, visualize the color or yantra, do yoga connected to each chakra or just connect with the chakra within.
There may be a few chakras needing extra attention and strengthening and one decides to work with those for a while.
There is much information on the word wide web if you need to research. A good book is “Wheels of Life” by Anodea Judith. I write a few keywords to each chakra-elixir, starting from the root and ending at the crown.
All chakras at a special price 700 kr + shipping.
Otherwise 150 kr each, please specify which ones you want to order.

“The lilac branches are bowed under the weight of the flowers: blooming is hard, and the most important thing is – to bloom.” ( A Story About The Most Important Thing )
– Yevgeny Zamyatin
Syringa means tube in latin and the signature is the spine, our inner tube filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The branches of lilac are hollowed and may be used for pipes or flutes.
Another signature to the spine is it´s lilac colored flowers that correspond to the crown chakra, at the top of the spine. Lilac helps to align one´s spirit with ones spine.
Ida and Pingala are the energy channels that flow around the spine according to Tantra and Kundalini yoga. Lilac stimulates the flow of these channels in solving blockages that prevent us to evolve. Lilac has to do with flexibility, releasing and no longer holding back on our development.
Lilac may be used to straighten and unblock not only the spine, the head and the energy that circulates through them, but also to align one´s spirit and nourish it. It may ease grief, oppression and fright that comes from long ago, perhaps from childhood. A feeling of dis-ease, lack of safety, or a sense of holding back the true self often shows up as rigidity or pain in the spine.

“I remember him with a dark passionflower in his hand, looking at it as no one has ever looked at such a flower, though they might look from the twilight of day until the twilight of night, for a whole life long.” – Jorge Luis Borges
Passion flower is helpful in case of anxiety, insomnia and repetitive, compulsive thoughts.
The Spagyrisist and Alchemist talk of the Signature of a plant, Signs of Nature. Nature communicates with us through signs, colors, shapes etcetera.
Purple and white coloration often has to do with the nervous system and the crownchakra.
Another signature is the spiraling little tendrils . Passionflower is excellent to help the mind from going in loops. Very good for people that lie awake thinking in loops, unable to mellow down enough to relax and fall asleep.
This spiraling signature can also be connected to the planet Uranus who travels in a spiraling orbit . The sign Aquarius is ruled by this Planet that emanates a truly electrical energy.
An overly busy mind can lead to tension and anxiety if it spirals out of control.
Passionflower is your friend if you have these tendencies, to enable you to move down into intuition, into the body if you are too much up in the mind for your own good.

“I am most glad I loved thee—think of all
The suns that go to make one speedwell blue! – Oscar Wilde
Speedwell was highly regarded as THE herb for a speedy recovery in the times of the roman empire. It has since a hundred years ago been sort of forgotten in the world of healing.
It is primarly used for respiratory troubles, cough. It is an expectorant , it dispells mucus. Speedwell is also healing for ulcers, it enhances the regeneration of the gastric mucosa. It was famous for healing the lungs as well, and research is going on on this topic.
Maria Treben recommends it for nervousness caused by mental exhaustion. In my opinion it is grounding and brings a lightness at the same time, your chakras seem to align themselves from the bottom to the top. It contains the glycoside, scutellarin, named after our calming friend, Skullcap.
I have both Skullcap and Speedwell in my Stop Smoking Support.