“Hundred Husbands”
Shatavari is one of the famous ayurvedic herbs. It is a main building tonic for women. It is rejuvenative for the female reproductive tract and builds the blood.
This herb is used as a moisturizer for the membranes of the lungs, digestive tract, the kidney and the urinary tract.
Shatavari reduces stress. It attunes us with our inner goddess.
This herb increases fertility , increases immunesystem, increase milk and sexual secretions and is an aphrodisiac. It is helpful in menopause, hormonal symptoms such as PMS, menstrual cramps, mood changes, hot flashes.

Astral Elixir
Individually created Elixir of Life based on astrological chart
“Man is a microcosm, or a little world, because he is an extract from all the stars and planets of the whole firmament, from the earth and the elements; and so he is their quintessence.” – Paracelsus
From your astrological birth chart I create unique spagyric formulas to support your vital force, inspired by Nicholas Culpepers Astral Formula and my astrological and herbal intuition. My gift is to match the characteristics of the herbs with the characteristics of the human, the archetypes of the zodiac and celestial bodies.
This is not a traditional astrological consultation, focus is on the herbs – how the vital force is manifested through you and how herbs can support the flow of this vitality.
I need to know the date, time and place of birth. You receive 50 ml spagyric tincture and consultation over Skype or telephone 1-2 hours, for the cost of 1500 kr + shipping.
Bookings via email.

Jujube date
“Three red dates a day keep you young forever.” – Chineese proverb.
The jujube fruit, the ziziphus jujuba also known as the Chinese date, has potent health benefits. Because jujubes contain a large amount of antioxidants, they can help improve the immune system and overall health. They have a strengthening effect and contain plenty of phytochemicals. Their impressive nutritional content also includes a notable amount of vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin B2. Jujubes also contain vital minerals, such as manganese, iron, phosphorus and calcium. These elements work synergistically to create general health and well being and bolster the immune system.
Red dates are especially prized by women for their beauty and health effects. As they are very nourishing to the blood they are often eaten by women during their menses and after giving birth. Jujubes are considered and “elixir of life.”
The potent chemical extracted from jujubes, jujuboside A, affects the hippocampus in the brain and is often used as a natural sleep aid. Jujubes can be used to treat both insomnia and anxiety.
Jujube purify the twelve Organ meridians, especially the Stomach, which is the body’s “center” and represents the Earth Element in the Five Phase System. Red jujubes are also said to “clarify the nine openings” including the eyes, ears, sinuses, nose, throat, bowels and urinary tract. They have a long history of being considered excellent at building strength and extending life. In China they are considered able to tonify the Heart, Lung and Stomach functions. They are also said to dry up mucous while simultaneously moistening the tissues.
It is often used in Chinese herbalism as a Yin counterpart to strong Yang herbs such as Ginseng.

Lady´s Slipper
“Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being.”
– Rumi
Samuel Thomson considered Lady´s slipper as one of the most important nervines. He used it for any complaint of nervous character. This orchid restores the nervous system as well as the sexual system. Lady´s slipper is connected to the second, sacral chakra, sexuality and possibility. Connecting us with the realm of the imagination.
Paracelseus said that if a plant resembled a foot, it was good for the foot. What does this mean in this case? The foot represents the possibility of wandering , while the shoe represents the protection of the wanderer. When the right thing appears one cannot do anything else but commit oneself to it. There is no tension between the outer and the inner personality, there is a perfect fit.
When people commit themselves to something that doesn´t fit they grow restless and doubtful. Life has no stability. Emotions flip back and forth. This is the remedy for when one doubts what one knows to be true.
When we follow the images that rise up from the depths if our soul, it may appear like a foolish path to others, even to ourselves at times. Our promptings start as seemingly adolescent dreams of glory, but they lead to true authority.
As we follow this path we become more and more innatly who we are because the images that emerge within us are the expression of our inner self. Walking the path of ones calling.

Lemon Balm
“See the world as if for the first time; see it through the eyes of a child, and you will suddenly find that you are free” – Deepak Chopra
Calming for the physical as well as the emotional heart. Good for indigestion, gas and bloating.
Lemon balm is a plant with both mood and cognitive-enhancement properties. It is calming, soothing anxiety and is spiritually uplifting. It brings joy and wonder to the user.
Lemon balm was the favorite herb of Paracelsus, the father of spagyria, who believed it would 'revivify a man' and called it “the elixir of life”. 12th century herbalist Saint Hildegarde von Bingen said “Lemon balm contains within it the virtues of a dozen other plants.”
Lemon balm is ruled by jupiter, the largest planet of our solar system, mainly composed of gas. Jupiter is called Guru in India, and the archetype of jupiter has to do with expansion, joy and the inner teacher.
Lemon balm instills a childlike wonder. It is possible and necessary to reinstall this quality if it is lost. This is the teaching of Lemon balm.

The Five Flavored Berry
Schizandra has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2,000 years. It is used for longviety, retarding the aging process, increasing energy and as a sexual tonic. Schizandra also possesses significant protective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Thus it helps to maintain healthy cells throughout the body. Schizandra also offers liver-protective benefits. It is considered one of the most highly protective of all medicinal plants, and the berry is included in many traditional herbal formulas for improving energy and mental health.
Schizandra berry demonstrates significant adaptogenic activity. It reduces stress, both mental and physical. As an adaptogen, Schizandra is a potent general tonic, decreasing fatigue, enhancing physical performance, and promoting endurance.
Schizandra, the berry of Schisandra chinensis, Wu Wei Zi (Five Flavored Berry in chineese) is sweet, sour, salty, bitter and pungent.
This shows that this powerful berry works on all organsystems and is connected to the 5 senses and the 5 elements. I connect it especially with the ether-element.
I wish more people knew of it´s exceptional power and life force.
I include it in my 5 berry formula.