“Hundred Husbands”
Shatavari is one of the famous ayurvedic herbs. It is a main building tonic for women. It is rejuvenative for the female reproductive tract and builds the blood.
This herb is used as a moisturizer for the membranes of the lungs, digestive tract, the kidney and the urinary tract.
Shatavari reduces stress. It attunes us with our inner goddess.
This herb increases fertility , increases immunesystem, increase milk and sexual secretions and is an aphrodisiac. It is helpful in menopause, hormonal symptoms such as PMS, menstrual cramps, mood changes, hot flashes.

Lady´s Slipper
“Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being.”
– Rumi
Samuel Thomson considered Lady´s slipper as one of the most important nervines. He used it for any complaint of nervous character. This orchid restores the nervous system as well as the sexual system. Lady´s slipper is connected to the second, sacral chakra, sexuality and possibility. Connecting us with the realm of the imagination.
Paracelseus said that if a plant resembled a foot, it was good for the foot. What does this mean in this case? The foot represents the possibility of wandering , while the shoe represents the protection of the wanderer. When the right thing appears one cannot do anything else but commit oneself to it. There is no tension between the outer and the inner personality, there is a perfect fit.
When people commit themselves to something that doesn´t fit they grow restless and doubtful. Life has no stability. Emotions flip back and forth. This is the remedy for when one doubts what one knows to be true.
When we follow the images that rise up from the depths if our soul, it may appear like a foolish path to others, even to ourselves at times. Our promptings start as seemingly adolescent dreams of glory, but they lead to true authority.
As we follow this path we become more and more innatly who we are because the images that emerge within us are the expression of our inner self. Walking the path of ones calling.

“ O Tiger-lily” said Alice, addressing herself to one that was waving gracefully about in the wind, “I wish you could talk!”
“We can talk”, said the Tiger-lily, “when there´s anybody worth talking to.”
Alice was so astonished that she couldn´t speak for a minute… At length, as the Tiger-lily only went on waving about, she spoke again, in a timid voice – almost in a whisper.
“And can all the flowers talk?”
“As well as you can,” said the Tiger-lily. “And a great deal louder.”
– Lewis Carroll , Through the Looking Glass.
It is a tigress of a plant and suitable for vibrant , wild and rowdy women! ( or men who identify with this flower and character)
Tiger-lily may be a helpful ally in case of IBS, painful periods, characterised by cramping pain and an intense dragging down or bearing down sensation.Haemorrhoids, with a dragging down sensation described above, are quite common. Rapid pulse. In Traditiona Chineese Medicine tigerlily is used for infertility and cysts in the womb, eggholders etc.
Good for acne.
Rapid mood swings ,easily provoked, so that they dip into irritability with the greatest of ease. While they are often easy-going, generous and sincere, they can flick into nastiness, anger and outright rage. This can be to the point of wanting to hurt, to hit out or slap. And they can be extremely over-sensitive, taking offence at the slightest perceived slight.
There are several remedies which have the characteristic of hurriedness. Tiger-lily is suited for those who feel pressured to do things quickly. They want things done at speed by themselves and by others. They become irritated if events are slower than they feel they should be. They hate people dithering in front of them. This sense of hurridness can have the effect of becoming inefficient. They try to do too many things at once, begin to get irritable, then fail to achieve any of the tasks.
As a result of the hurriedness they often feel this wild and crazy feeling at the top of the head. The thoughts come too fast, get jumbled and they feel confused. And when this happens they feel even more irritable. They can, accordingly, become quite hysterical in their reactions.
A characteristic conflict often centres around sex. They may feel torn in two directions, wanting to be a saint one moment and a sinner the next. Conflict between intellect and instinct, innocence and experience. Tiger-Lily has to do with accepting ones shadow , reconciling the opposites that resides within us.
Craving meat is quite common and attempts to go vegetarian, for whatever reason, often fail. And that isn´t surprising, being a tiger!
This georgeous orange plant transformed into an equally georgeous orange spagyric tincture. Orange is the color of the sacral chakra, the second, Svadhisthana. It has to do with creativity, sensuality and emotions.