CHAGA – king of medicinal mushrooms
Chaga grows on birchtrees in the northern hemisphere. It goes under the name of “The King of Medicinal Mushrooms”. It is filled with antioxiadants. It strengthens the immunesystem.
It is also a powerful adaptogene, which means that it helps the body to handle stress and improve physical and mental work capacity.
Stress and disease are closely connected. Chaga helps us to meet the challenges of a stressful world with couarage and dedication.
Chaga helps us in gather our strength to meet the unknown and to transform all that seems challenging into valuble lessons and opportunities for growth.

7 Chakras
This is a series of spagyric formulas dedicated to the 7 chakras.
The seven chakras are the centers through which energy flows in our bodies. The chakras can be described as spinning wheels of light. In sanskrit chakra means circle, symbolising the endless rotation of shakti.
The spagyric formulas created for each chakra can be used in many different ways.
Create your own practice and rituals.
Perhaps chant the mantra or seed-sound corresponding to each chakra, visualize the color or yantra, do yoga connected to each chakra or just connect with the chakra within.
There may be a few chakras needing extra attention and strengthening and one decides to work with those for a while.
There is much information on the word wide web if you need to research. A good book is “Wheels of Life” by Anodea Judith. I write a few keywords to each chakra-elixir, starting from the root and ending at the crown.
All chakras at a special price 700 kr + shipping.
Otherwise 150 kr each, please specify which ones you want to order.

Self-Heal initiates selftransformation. On all levels. In chinese medicine, all-heal is usually prescribed for liver-support, also for children.
It is a woundhealer and antibacterial.
Good for sore throat.
The 17th-century botanist, herbalist, physician and astrologer Nicholas Culpeper wrote that the plant is called Self-Heal because ‘when you are hurt, you may heal yourself’. He was a physician of the people and treated the poor free of charge.
Like me he also found that it is sad that the soul is often completely forgotten within allopathic medicine.
“Many a times I find my patients disturbed by trouble of Conscience or Sorrow, and I have to act the Divine before I can be the Physician. In fact our greatest skill lies in the infusion of Hopes, to induce confidence and peace of mind.”
I believe that All-Heal can motivate and help us listen to our own inner guidence. To tune in to better understand how we can live through disease and trauma and get the power to self-heal.
I made a flower-essence according to Dr Bach , a direct sun-light infusion, the day I understood what the teachings of All-Heal is about. I connect this flower to the planet Jupiter. It is about hope and the will to selftransformation and grow through the difficulties of life.
All-Heal helps us in knowing what we need to take care of and do for ourselves to be able to heal.

‘borage for courage’ is the rough translation of the old Latin verse “Ego borago gaudia semper ago”.
Borage is anti-inflammatory, demulcent, nutritive and cooling. It is giving tone to relaxed tissues like varicose veins. It is also used to soothe the body's mucous membranes. Borage can help ease arthritis and rheumatism.
Borage can be helpful to uplift and strengthen the spirits, especially in times of grief. It is also a great PMS-relief.
The blue starlike flowers reach an apex, coming to a singular focused point. Borage is excellent for individuals who are scattered in their communication, lack focus and clarity, and are unable to “get to the point”. It can also be useful for people who tend to “beat around the bush” and are not direct with their communication.
Most confusion that occurs in relationships is due to unclear communication and Borage is an excellent remedy to turn to in order to bring more direct, focused and clear communication that gets to the point.

“Most of the dandelions had changed from suns into moons” – Vladimir Nabokov
The root of dandelion is cooling, strengthening for the liver and strengthening in general. Promoting the production of bile, strengthening the lymphatic system, cleansing for the blood and good for digestion.
Dandelion is one of the most important herbs for expelling toxins from the tissues of the body and is good to use in all cases of chronic inflammations for example inflammations of the skin and joints as well as rheumatism. Dandelion is excellent for a weak or overworked liver. It is good to use Dandelion to strengthen oneself after an illness or as a general spring cleaning tonic.
According to Ayurveda, anger accumulates in the liver and gall-bladder. Dandelion is a powerful plant in helping to let go of this anger so we don´t carry it inside us. It is a detoxifier that works on the emotional and mental being, as well as the physical. It is especially good for clearing out old anger that has not been processed, especially if the pattern was established in childhood.
The liver is the organ of transformation and inner alchemy.
Dandelion works on the solar plexus. The energy is dynamic and promotes body consciousness and freedom. It gives us the capacity to understand and express pain that seems beyond understanding. Dandelion helps us reclaim our innocence and to take responsibility for how we feel and act.
I believe that nature puts the medicines humans need in abundance right in their gardens, even growing through concrete, for a reason.

Solidago comes from the Latin word solidus, which means: “whole” as in “to make one whole” or to bind or bring together.
Goldenrod supports the kidneys, is good for a cold stomach and low metabolism. It is a warming, bitter and pungent remedy that is stimulating and increases digestion.
Goldenrod can be helpful in allergies, especially cat allergy with red, watery, itchy eyes and itchy nose. It may also be helpful at the first stage of an urine infection.
For worn out people with tired and heavy feet. “Where is the nearest chair?” . Indicated for people who are too worn out to process life. Maria Treben relates how the kidneys help us to work out our emotions and if they become exhausted they slow down, the back and feet are tired and the urinary output is altered.
Goldenrod is a powerful internal cleaner and it is especially good to do a cure at the equinoxes, as the seasons change. Goldenrod connects you to your higher self (makes one whole). Initially emotions may be released as they are cleaned out from under metaphorical carpets but do not fear, a stronger connection to your higher self creates enthusiasm, abundance and a more cooperative feeling in the long run.
These initial feelings are the reliving of emotions and will pass as those emotions are released from the cleaning. This process can also affect one’s dreams initially.

“Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean.”
Psalm 51:7, The Bible
Hyssop is a fever remedy, indicated in “slow fever” where nerves are affected so reactions and movements are slow, numb and weak. It is deeply penetrating, opening pores and passage ways deep inside the body, releasing heat through the skin. It acts cooling, lubricating, cleansing fluids, removing heat and congestion.
Mold growing on the leaves of hyssop produces penicillin.
David Dalton developed a profile for the mental state associated with hyssop that may owe something to the biblical concept. He recommends it for people who feel guilty, feel undeserving of happiness, fear punishment , fear pleasure and engage in self-sabotage.
Herbalist Juliette de Bairacli Levy recommends hyssop as a highly effective remedial agent in all forms of poisoning. Foxes are said to seek out this plant when poisoned.
If you feel you may be carrying some ancestral programming or karmic patterns, hyssop may bring clarity and clear this kind of metaphorically poisoning of the soul.

Lemon Balm
“See the world as if for the first time; see it through the eyes of a child, and you will suddenly find that you are free” – Deepak Chopra
Calming for the physical as well as the emotional heart. Good for indigestion, gas and bloating.
Lemon balm is a plant with both mood and cognitive-enhancement properties. It is calming, soothing anxiety and is spiritually uplifting. It brings joy and wonder to the user.
Lemon balm was the favorite herb of Paracelsus, the father of spagyria, who believed it would 'revivify a man' and called it “the elixir of life”. 12th century herbalist Saint Hildegarde von Bingen said “Lemon balm contains within it the virtues of a dozen other plants.”
Lemon balm is ruled by jupiter, the largest planet of our solar system, mainly composed of gas. Jupiter is called Guru in India, and the archetype of jupiter has to do with expansion, joy and the inner teacher.
Lemon balm instills a childlike wonder. It is possible and necessary to reinstall this quality if it is lost. This is the teaching of Lemon balm.