“Life in us is like the water in a river. ”
– Henry David Thoreau
Cleavers supports the flow of the fluids of the body such as the flow of the lymphatic system. It supports the kidneys and urinary tract . Cleavers strengthens the immune system. It gets stagnant chi (life force) moving where it has accumulated in hot spots.
Cleavers also works on the flow of emotions, to be fluid, flexible and to help us in breaking patterns and relationships one has been clinging on to but is no longer beneficial. This is a signature as cleavers clings to everything that comes in it´s way like velcro.
I have found it to be helpful for smokers to quit the habit and even more so for balancing relationships where one person is clinging and the other one is taking a distance.
Cleavers may be beneficial in writers block and when one feels stuck artistically.
Cleavers has to do with flow and creativity on all levels.

Solidago comes from the Latin word solidus, which means: “whole” as in “to make one whole” or to bind or bring together.
Goldenrod supports the kidneys, is good for a cold stomach and low metabolism. It is a warming, bitter and pungent remedy that is stimulating and increases digestion.
Goldenrod can be helpful in allergies, especially cat allergy with red, watery, itchy eyes and itchy nose. It may also be helpful at the first stage of an urine infection.
For worn out people with tired and heavy feet. “Where is the nearest chair?” . Indicated for people who are too worn out to process life. Maria Treben relates how the kidneys help us to work out our emotions and if they become exhausted they slow down, the back and feet are tired and the urinary output is altered.
Goldenrod is a powerful internal cleaner and it is especially good to do a cure at the equinoxes, as the seasons change. Goldenrod connects you to your higher self (makes one whole). Initially emotions may be released as they are cleaned out from under metaphorical carpets but do not fear, a stronger connection to your higher self creates enthusiasm, abundance and a more cooperative feeling in the long run.
These initial feelings are the reliving of emotions and will pass as those emotions are released from the cleaning. This process can also affect one’s dreams initially.

Love is the answer.
Long live the power of love!
According to Hieronymus Tragus, a german botanist , priest and physician who lived in 1500, Long-live is good for close to everything, lung, kidney, bowel and liver-problems. Later on it has been established that this herb possesses anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulant attributes, as it encloses two vital polysaccharides. It is understood that the two polysaccharides are likely to facilitate in slowing down the growth of tumours and, at the same time, augment the action of phagocytes that are effective in eliminating bacteria and viruses.
The whole live-long herb is considered to be astringent and cytostatic (any substance that retards/ slows down cell growth and cell division) – the reason why the herb is effective in treating tumours. Live-long also has a tonic action on the kidneys and is known to be helpful in treating cancer.
Live-long is a wound healer on all levels. On the outside of the body, and internally. Woundhealers may affect the wounds of the soul as well.
Live-long lives up to it´s name! It has almost a miraculously long life-span and survives exceptionally long witthour any soil or water needed. It is very tasty and healthy to eat. Try the leaves in salads, fried as tempura, or in a gazpachio instead of bell-pepper.
In folkmagic Live-long protects the home against the lightening if it grows on the roof and is known to bring good luck.