Amazonian dream teacher.
Guayusa is a cousin plant to Yerba Mate, and elicits similar benefits including natural caffeine that energizes without the resultant jitters or crash associated with other caffeinated drinks like coffee. Guayusa is full of antioxidants, more so than in green tea. Guayusa aids in digestion and boosts metabolism.
Guayusa, or “Wayusa,” is known within the Kichwa community to awaken the spirit, bring peace to the body, and stimulate the mind. It will also induce vivid and lucid dreaming if you drink it at night. Legend has it, that the Kichwa tribe prayed for a plant that could help them connect to the dream world. When they awoke in the morning, there was a guayusa plant in front of them.
The Spirit of Guayusa is an amazing teacher! I decided to turn these magical leaves into a spagyric tincture, extracting in a strong decoction from snow and maceration in 40% alcohol and it turned out very well! I transformed the snow when the new moon was in pisces into a strong Guayusa tea to help us integrate the teachings of our dreams.

7 Chakras
This is a series of spagyric formulas dedicated to the 7 chakras.
The seven chakras are the centers through which energy flows in our bodies. The chakras can be described as spinning wheels of light. In sanskrit chakra means circle, symbolising the endless rotation of shakti.
The spagyric formulas created for each chakra can be used in many different ways.
Create your own practice and rituals.
Perhaps chant the mantra or seed-sound corresponding to each chakra, visualize the color or yantra, do yoga connected to each chakra or just connect with the chakra within.
There may be a few chakras needing extra attention and strengthening and one decides to work with those for a while.
There is much information on the word wide web if you need to research. A good book is “Wheels of Life” by Anodea Judith. I write a few keywords to each chakra-elixir, starting from the root and ending at the crown.
All chakras at a special price 700 kr + shipping.
Otherwise 150 kr each, please specify which ones you want to order.

“Love is space and time measured by the heart.” – Marcel Proust
Hjärtats minne
Lindblom kyler inre hetta, feber och när huden hettar. Den är också behjälplig vid rastlöshet, hyperaktivitet och panikångest.
Lindblom stödjer andningsvägarna, bra att ta till vid influensa och för att få upp slem och snor som sitter djupt.
Lindblom lugnar nerverna och hjärtat och är bra för att drömma lucida drömmar. Lindblom är bra för den typ av ångest som känns i hjärtat, sömnlöshet och stress. Lindblom verkar sederande.
Marcel Proust var den första att mynta begreppet “Ofrivilliga minnen” i romansviten “På spaning efter de tid som flytt”. Proust såg dessa ofrivilliga minnen innehålla det förgågnas essenss, som han ansåg saknades i ett frivilligt minne. I romanen beskriver han en händelse där han äter en lindblomstedoppad madeleinekaka, och ett barndomsminne av att äta en lindblomstedoppad madeleinekaka uppenbaras för honom. Från detta minne följer minnen av hela hans barndom, huset han bodde i, den lilla staden och dess invånare. Detta är temat genom romansviten , via känselportalerna öppnas portaler i minnet.

Sacred Blue Water Lily
“The sky was a midnight-blue, like warm, deep, blue water, and the moon seemed to lie on it like a water-lily, floating forward with an invisible current.” – Willa Cather
The Sacred Blue Egyptian Water Lily is deeply relaxing for the body and mind, it is hypnotic and sedative. It is also a cardio-tonic – strengthening the heart. It is also an aphrodisiac.
An aid for yogis as it is a plant for meditation. It is also a helpful herb for dreamwork. The blue-violet color of this flower is a signature of the affinities with the third eye and the crown chakra.
From the murky dark mud it rises up bestowing magnificent blossoms. It shows us our experience in human evolution, as it blooms – so can we. It is a metaphor for our reunion with oneness. I connect this flower to the divine feminine creative power, Shakti.
Shakti is both responsible for creation and the agent of all change. Shakti is cosmic existence as well as liberation, its most significant form being the Kundalini Shakti, a mysterious psychospiritual force.