The Joyous Mountain. From Greek oreiganon, from oros “mountain” + ganos “brightness”
Oregano has extraordinarily powerful natural antibiotic qualities. The strong phenol antioxidants destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses and yeasts.
Oregano is antiseptic, an aid for ear, nose and throat, respiratory infections, candida and any sort of bacterial or viral conditions.
It is a powerful aid when inflammation is around especially colds and flus with chills and shivering as well as respiratory tract infections with profuse mucus and chilliness. Very good at the beginning of measles to lessen the course of the disease.
Oregano also works for the digestion, abdominal swelling and belching.
It relaxes the mind, balances the emotions and banishes mental fatigue. Oregano is promoting clarity of thought.
Oregano opens the solar plexus and installs courage and the power to complete a mission. It is good for people who start projects but have trouble finishing them. When the mountain has been climbed, experience the joy of a new perspective.

As above – So below
Angelica is bitter, warming and aromatic.
It can be useful in treatment of swellings, inflammations and glandular indurations, particularly of the head and neck region. Good for circulation, for cold hands and feet. Used for fever.
It is good for anguish, spasms, nervous excitation and fatigue; calms excess in both the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. It is good for PMS and excessive bleeding while menstruating.
Can be used for for arthritis and gout. Good for the liver, increases digestion and metabolism of oil and production of bile, hence increases digestion and nutrition. It relaxes the throat and makes it easier to take long deep breaths. It simultaneously opens the imagination and the mind when prana (life force through breath) can flow.
Angelica is an important Shamanic plant among the Saami people of the North.
In Native American herbalism it is referred to as a “Bear Medicine”. Just as the bear goes into hibernation through the winter, bear medicine usually relax the mind, open the imagination and bring people into dreamtime. Angelica certainly has this capacity.
Bears eats these roots upon awakening in spring to wake up, clear their throat and start rebuilding their mass.
I see Angelica as an embodiment of the Alchemical device “As above so below”.
The deep aromatic root and the umbrella-like flower full of starlike seeds are connected through a hollow stem, a channel connecting the heaven and the earth. This is one of the effects the Spagyric Tincture may have upon you – making you feel like this channel.
Angelica connects you with your guardian angel, or if you prefer to call it your higher self.

The power to speak
Calamus root is aromatic and bitter. It is used for throat colds, sore throats, irritable coughs, laryngitis, chest colds, and head colds. It is considered an effective antihistamine; clearing stuffy sinuses and helping to dispel mucous. It is good when you've lost your voice and for singers or people who work with the voice.
It is also good for libido in both sexes. It also has a reputation in Ayurveda for benefitting conditions in the aging prostate. According to herbalist Henriette Kress “Calamus is astonishing for the pain from endometriosis. One of the few herbs we have for that; cherish it…”
Calamus also excels as a relaxant, despite its stimulating properties. “Stimulant” and “relaxant” shouldn't be seen a contradictory (uses occupying opposite ends of a polarity): stimulating herbs increase the expression of the vital force, while relaxants ease the resistance to that expression. They work together in a complimentary fashion to achieve the same end: better flow of energy and vitality.
Calamus can be incredibly effective in treating anxiety and is especially helpful in finding one’s voice and expression.
Calamus promotes circulation to the brain, sharpens memory, enhances awareness, and increases communication. The yogic name, Vacha, means “speech” and refers to its action on the fifth chakra and its propensity to help you speak from your highest consciousness.
Clarity, centering, perspective. Expressing one's truth. This is what the teachings of Calamus is about.

Sage is for the practicing mystic – I walk my talk
Sage is used for irritations and inflammations of the throat and respiratory system. Sage has an action on the liver, gallbladder and the digestive system and helps the liver to break down fat. Regulates sweating.
Purification of the self and purity in communication. Support in delivering our messages. Sage reconnects us to who we are and helps us to recognise wisdom in everything. How each reflection of life is a reflection of our own nature, as we hold the whole universe within our own being.
Sage helps with integration of the spiritual and the physical worlds together, dissolving the boundary between the mundane and the sacred, helping to bring knowledge into the heart where it can transform into wisdom. Sage is a wise plant teacher of many secrets.