Heather is said to grow over the final resting place of Faeries.
In recent years heather has been used successfully, to treat rheumatic pains.
The reason for this is probably because it contains a substance that removes excess uric acid from the body. Heather may be used as both an antiseptic and detoxifier. It is nice in warm water with honey for a sore throat. It contains many minerals and is considered a fertility plant.
Heather is a mild sedative and can be good to sleep on, taken internally as well as inside a dream pillow or mattress. It is good for the nerves and the heart.
The virtues of a mattress made from Scottish heather were described by King James VI's tutor, George Buchanan:
'…… so pleasant, that it may vie in softness with the finest down, while in salubrity it far exceeds it…. and restores strength to fatigued nerves, so that those who lie down languid and weary in the evening, arise in the morning vigorous and sprightly.'

Traveler’s Elixir
“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” – Martin Buber
A spagyric formula for the traveler.
This ayurvedic formula supports flexibility, an open mind, digestion, the immune system, the respiratory tract, healthy sleeping patterns and the nervous system.
Supports the elimination of toxins that accumulate while traveling due to irregular eating and sleeping habits. Eases the effects of jet lag and helps the traveler to enjoy the travel as much as the final destination.

“Without phosphorus there would be no thought.”
— Jacob Moleschott
Valerian is a remedy for insomnia, to relax muscles and ease pain.
It is especially indicated for spinal pain and people who holds anger inside, causing a knotted feeling in the stomach or low back.
The root of Valerian glows in the dark of the earth by releasing phosphor which is nourishing the soil and guiding worms and insects in the dark. Valerian help plants draw what they need from the cosmos and the earth by regulating the phosphorus processes.
As inner spiritual light, phosphorus relates to the alchemical dark light, the sol niger. The dark light represents a psychic process in which we endure painful experiences and feelings, resulting in inner spiritual and psychological growth. Food for thought.