“Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.” – Jimi Hendrix
A great digestive helper, good for cramp, constipation, gas, IBS, tension. It is good for fever and suited for mental and physical tension.
Chamomile is for babies of any age. People who are intolerant to pain, breathing loudly to let you know that, “I can´t bear it”. Chamomile has a long history in folk medicine as a sedative for cross, whining and irritated babies. People who are snappy, inclined to pick quarrels and must have it their way are soothed by chamomile.
The essential oil of chamomile is blue. It sweetens the soul and improves self-esteem. It is especially good for people who get angry and out of sorts with everything and everybody, who are very impatient and can hardly answer with civility particularly at menses or when sick.

Horsetail is an important plant teacher for alchemists because it teaches about death, longevity, the quality of life and a long life. It teaches spiritual evolution.
Horsetail is full of minerals, especially silica which builds hair, skin, nails and connective tissue. The silica is not extracted by ordinary tincturing, but through the calcination process it is extracted spagyrically.
It is diuretic, draining water, working on the kidneys. It is is an astringent tonic which means that it brings tone to relaxed tissues.
It is helpful for nervous, tense and anxious people who bites on their nails and twirls their hair around a finger. It is grounding. Call on Horsetail to instill courage and strength. When you need to learn how to be firm, set boundaries and limits, learn to do things step by step with discipline.
Horsetail is a Saturnian remedy. The signature connection between the ringed planet and the ringed stalks.
According to Ayurveda, karma is stored in the bones. Saturnian remedies goes deep into our DNA – the karmic patterns and helps us to break the patterns that are no longer beneficial. Horsetail is a deeply initiatic remedy. It is one of the oldest plants in the world. They used to be as high as trees.

Balsam for the soul
Cooling, stimulating, relaxing. Good for cramps and tension both mentally and physically, muscle aches, migraines. Lavender has the action of concentrating the blood and blood sugar for the liver to nourish and strengthen it. Good for motion sickness, dizziness, fainting. Good for people who are so tired that they can not keep their head up. Migraine after a long week or a long day and for working with details.
It is good to take in the evening to wind down when the mind is overly active. The prabhava (special potency) of lavender is that it works just as well the other way, it wakes up the sleepy minds.
Lavender is good for the people who have high demands on themselves and others. This type is often very driven, overworked and tense, resulting in fatigue, aches and tension in the neck, shoulders and headaches. (use together with vervain)
Good for people who get stuck in the details, finicky.
Good for the type of depression and anxiety that often combines with Irritable bowel syndrome.
Rudolf Steiner writes that Lavender is indicated for spiritual states where the astral body is holding on to the physical body and keeps it in a too tight grip which results in cramping and straining on the nerves. Another explanation is that the autonomic nervous system takes over when the unconscious is not able to handle or process experiences. In any case, lavender works as a balm for the soul. It opens the mind so that some of it can take off and fly out. If the mind is holding on to an excessive content, to vast to understand, this creates tension. It is good in OCD, obsessive thoughts and behaviors. (Even better in combination with passion flower)

“I remember him with a dark passionflower in his hand, looking at it as no one has ever looked at such a flower, though they might look from the twilight of day until the twilight of night, for a whole life long.” – Jorge Luis Borges
Passion flower is helpful in case of anxiety, insomnia and repetitive, compulsive thoughts.
The Spagyrisist and Alchemist talk of the Signature of a plant, Signs of Nature. Nature communicates with us through signs, colors, shapes etcetera.
Purple and white coloration often has to do with the nervous system and the crownchakra.
Another signature is the spiraling little tendrils . Passionflower is excellent to help the mind from going in loops. Very good for people that lie awake thinking in loops, unable to mellow down enough to relax and fall asleep.
This spiraling signature can also be connected to the planet Uranus who travels in a spiraling orbit . The sign Aquarius is ruled by this Planet that emanates a truly electrical energy.
An overly busy mind can lead to tension and anxiety if it spirals out of control.
Passionflower is your friend if you have these tendencies, to enable you to move down into intuition, into the body if you are too much up in the mind for your own good.

Skullcap makes you feel like you have a helmet on your head that calms and protects you.
A supreme nerve remedy with great sedative powers. Cooling, relaxant and calming to the nerves. Skullcap is also good for tense headaches.
Scutella means shield in latin. Skullcap is a comforting herb, traditionally used to alleviate nervous tension and exhaustion. It is used to promote emotional wellbeing and relaxation during times of occasional distress.
Skullcap is called for when you have a sense your soul is not completely settled into your body. This may have been caused by stress, shock or trauma.

Sacred herb of the druids.
Bitter tonic – good for digestion, moving stuck liver energy, nervine – good for burnt-out nervous system, relaxant – especially for tension in the neck, shoulder, head region, very good for painful menses and PMS, also for hot flashes.
Vervain helps the entrepreneur to unwind and stop working at home. It is indicated for list makers, for people with mental excess as it moves the energy downwards and works as a remedy of embodiment. Vervain people tend to neglect themselves, they forget to eat, drink water, clean the house, exercise etc.
Instead they tunnel vision on their goal and loose sight of other important facets of their life which can fall wayside.
Indicated for driven visionaries that can burn out from over exhaustion yet be constantly striving. Vervain helps the soul to center and ground its tremendous enthusiasm. The body becomes a natural regulator and harmoniser for the abundant spiritual forces that pour out of such a person, a soul that is able to inspire, lead and heal others.