Det är svårt att förstå beroende om du aldrig har upplevt det själv. – Ken Hensley
Lobelia kallas även “Indiantobak” och har används länge i historien vid andningsbesvär, asthma, bronkit, lunginflammation och hosta. Den amerikanska ursprungsbefolkningen rökte lobelia för att lindra asthma. På 1800-talet började man ordinera lobelia som kräkmedel för att driva ut gifter ur kroppen. Det gjorde att man började kalla lobelia för “pukeweed”. I högre dos framkallar lobelia kräkning och det ska man veta om man är intresserad av att använda denna ört.
Lobelia impacts neurotransmitter activity in a way that is similar to nicotine. The active ingredient, Lobeline, is a both a nicotine agonist and antagonist derived from an Indian plant “lobelia inflata.” Here’s what that means:
The brain has neurotransmitter receptor cells that have been labeled ‘nicotinic’ receptors because they are stimulated by nicotine. Lobeline acts on these cells as an ‘agonist,’ which means that it binds to these cells and stimulates them in a similar way to nicotine. (The effects are not as strong as nicotine, however.) Because the drug is in effect ‘parked’ at the receptor sites on these cells, it also partially blocks nicotine from activating them, thereby reducing the effect of nicotine in the brain from smoking, and helping to reduce the ‘reward’ associated with smoking.
Interestingly, unlike nicotine, which is highly addictive, lobeline does not appear to be addictive. This may be because of its structural differences from nicotine, and the different ways that it affects dopamine storage and release. (Dopamine is another a neurotransmitter – one that is implicated in addictive patterns of behavior.)
Rather than stimulating the release of dopamine in the normal way (from the presynaptic terminal), lobeline appears to induce the metabolism of dopamine intraneuronally as well as inhibit dopamine re-uptake. The result of this is that rather than getting a ‘dose’ of rewarding dopamine immediately connected to the behavior of smoking (or of taking lobeline), the dopamine effect is more diffuse. So you still get the pleasant dopamine effect, but because it is not strongly associated with the behavior, it does not induce addictive behaviors, and in fact partially blocks the addictive effect of nicotine intake.
Dwoskin LP, Crooks PA., (2002) A novel mechanism of action and potential use for lobeline as a treatment for psychostimulant abuse. Biochemical Pharmacology. Jan 15;63(2):89-98.
Jag har gjort ett spagyriskt elixir (så kallar jag mina blandningar som innehåller flera spagyriska tinkturer) som stöttar de som vill sluta röka eller snusa. Hittills har denna blandning hjälpt ett dussin att sluta, mig själv inkluderad!
Jag rekomenderar rökare och snusare som vill sluta vara det detta elixir framför den rena spagyriska lobeliatinkturen för mitt sluta röka support elixir innehåller även lugnande och adaptogena örter som hjälper den som slutar att hantera stress.
jag vill dela med mig av 2 tips till den som vill sluta att röka att använda i kombination med elixiret: